
Betty Busby - Albuquerque, NM

After graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design with a ceramics major, Betty Busby founded a custom ceramic tile manufacturing firm in Los Angeles. After nearly 20 years of running the firm, she sold the business in 1994 (it is still in operation to this day). Upon relocating to New Mexico, she changed the focus of her artwork to fiber, taking it full time in 2004.Her manufacturing background has led to constant experimentation with new materials and techniques that fuel her work. Originally inspired by Amish quilts at the Kutztown County Fair near her childhood home in Pennsylvania, her work has made the journey from bed quilts to mixed media sculpture and is constantly evolving and heading in new directions.

The classic fractal structures of the sub microscopic world are a persistent model, as are natural processes, such as oxidation, replication and growth.

5 Day Class: July 21-25, 8:30am - 4pm, Multimedia Fiber

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Sheila Frampton Cooper headshot

Sheila Frampton Cooper -
McKinleyville, CA

After channeling her artistic muse through painting, jewelry making, and architectural photography for many years, Sheila plunged into abstract quilt making in 2010. Guided by intuition and inspired by nature’s palette, she speeds into journeys of revelation and surprise. Her intensity is apparent in the colors, lines and shapes of her improvisational textile works.

Sheila is also a passionate teacher and has shared her process in workshops around the world. "Another wonderful change quilting brought into my life was the opportunity to teach,” she said. “It is a privilege for me to witness what my students accomplish in 2-5 days! I am honored to hold the space and guide them as they discover the freedom, joy, and for some, the discomfort that comes from not knowing the outcome of their creations."

Since embarking on her fiber art adventure in 2010, Sheila has won awards at major quilt shows, including: IQA World of Beauty in Houston, AQS Show in Paducah, and Road to California. Her work has been exhibited worldwide.

5 Day Class: July 21-25, 8:30am - 4pm, Express Your True Self: One Piece at a Time

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Valerie S. Goodwin - Tallahassee, FL

Valerie S. Goodwin is a mixed media fiber artist and architect whose works of fine art are included in museum and private collections. Most of her work is inspired by a love of aerial views of landscapes and cities. Many of her quilts are based on maps.

Goodwin’s art has moved through various stages from traditional quilting to an interest in abstract expressionism and, currently it is inspired by real and imaginary landscapes and cities. In some cases, her work shows an architectural sense of space with an archaeological perspective.  In others, the network of the city and its built form is more prominent.  These compositions work on several levels, from close up and far away as if one was looking at it from above.

5 Day Class: July 28 to Aug. 1, 8:30am - 4pm, Monoprinted Map Collage

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Paula Kovarik - Memphis, TN

Paula Kovarik creates art with stitch and fabric. Her intuitive line work travels the surface of her work as if a meditation has become solid. Inward thoughts become outwardly apparent through slow and studied attention to detail.

Kovarik’s award-winning fiber art has been recognized by Quilt National, Quilts=Art=Quilts, World of Threads, and FiberArt Now Excellence in Fibers exhibitions, among others. She has been profiled in American Craft and FiberArt Now magazines. Her work is featured in Art Quilts Unfolding – 50 Years of Innovation and Art Quilts International Abstract & Geometric. Kovarik shares her ideas and techniques in workshops and in her book, At Play in the Garden of Stitch. Her work has been collected by the International Quilt Museum in Lincoln, NE, and the International Airport in Memphis, TN, as well as several private collections.

5 Day Class: July 21-25, 8:30am - 4pm, Alter Ego Stitch and Collage

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Youngmin Lee Headshot Cropped

Youngmin Lee - Pleasanton, CA

Youngmin Lee is a textile artist specializing in the traditional Korean art of bojagi. She holds a degree in Clothing and Textile and an MFA in Fashion Design from South Korea. Since moving from South Korea to California in 1996, Youngmin has been dedicated to preserving and innovating within the bojagi tradition, which emphasizes recycling and upcycling by using fabric remnants.

In addition to her studio work, she created the educational DVD Bojagi: The Art of Wrapping Cloths in 2013 to reach a broader audience. Her new book, Bojagi: The Art of Korean Textiles was published in 2024.

Youngmin also founded the Korean Textile Tour in 2017, aiming to introduce Korean traditional textile art and culture to a wider audience. Through her work, she continues to inspire and educate, ensuring the bojagi tradition thrives.

5 Day Class: July 21-25, 8:30am - 4pm, Bojagi, Stitching Happiness

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Irene Roderick Headshot

Irene Roderick - Austin, TX

My quilting activities are a mixture of discovery and elation. I have been an artist for most of my life (my parents gave me a set of oil paints in 3rd grade). I have painted and crafted for over 50 years, mostly in my home raising 4 sons and working in retail and administration.  I returned to school at the age of 46, earning a BFA from the University of Texas at Austin and a Masters of Fine Arts degree from the California Institute of the Arts in 2001. I began quilting in 2016 when I retired from my administrative position at the University of Texas at Austin. I was searching for a new creative endeavor and happened on “modern” quilts when googling for a new bedcovering. The works of Nancy Crow and Gwen Marsden caught my attention.

I took a beginning piecework class at a local quilt store and was hooked. I love making “functional” art. I consider my quilts paintings, using fabric as my medium. Currently I am working in my studio 12 hrs/day, 7 days/week, teaching Zoom workshops and presenting Zoom lectures/trunk shows.

My work has been exhibited throughout the United States and is included in private and museum collections. In 2019, I received the Emerging Artist Award at Quilt National, 2nd place finishes at QuiltCon2019 in the Improv category and in the 2-Color Challenge category. I was awarded first place in the Improv category at QuiltCon 2020. In 2021, I was received a Juror’s Choice Award at Quilts=Art=Quilts at the Schweinfurth Arts Center and the “In The Abstract” award in Visions Museum’s Quilt Visions 2021.

5 Day Class: July 28-Aug. 1, 8:30am - 4pm, Voltron

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Sujata Shah Headshot SM

Sujata Shah - Pleasanton, CA

Sujata Shah is an award-winning quilter and designer and author of Cultural Fusion Quilts. She finds inspiration in the rich handmade tradition of her home country, India; the quilts of Gee’s Bend; Indian and American utilitarian quilts; and African textiles.

Drawn to imperfections and irregularities of handmade crafts, Sujata believes each quilt has personality of the maker. Using imperfections as design element has led her to abstract interpretations of traditional quilt blocks. She finds hand stitching therapeutic and nourishing to the soul.

Join Sujata as she shares her quilts and talks about her daily life as a quilter. Somewhere during the making of each quilt, whether it is the fabric selection, constructing the quilt top, or finishing the quilt by hand, she ends up writing stories in stitches.

5 Day Class: July 28-Aug. 1, 8:30am - 4pm, Kawandi Handmade Quilts

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Maria Shell Headshot SM

Maria Shell - Anchorage, AK

Maria Shell’s work is grounded in the tradition and craft of American quilt making. She strives to take the classical components of a traditional bedquilt and manipulate them with the hope of creating surprising combinations of pattern, repetition, and color for the viewer. Maria is the recipient of a Sustainable Arts Foundation 2011 Winter Award, a Rasmuson Foundation Project Award and two Rasmuson Fellowships (2009, 2013, 2017).

She has had several solo and small group shows including fiber at the Fitton Center for Creative Arts in Hamilton, Ohio; Right Lines & Circles at the Ormond Beach Memorial Art Museum and Gardens in Ormond Beach, Florida; Line + Shape at the Hello Stitch Studio in Berkeley, California; and The Pieced Canvas at the Visions Art Museum in San Diego, California. Her most recent solo exhibitions were Off the Grid which was on view at the Shelburne Art Museum in Shelburne, Vermont from May-October 2022 and On the Grid — Structure as Visual Aesthetic at the Pacific Northwest Quilt and Textiles Museum in LaConner, Washington March 1-May 28, 2023. Her first book, Improv Patchwork — Dynamic Quilts Made with Line & Shape, was published in 2017.

5 Day Class: July 28-Aug. 1, 8:30am - 4pm, Round and Round — Improv Medallion Quilts

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David Taylor Headshot

David Taylor - Fort Collins, CO

David Taylor currently lives in Fort Collins, Colorado. His obsession with fabric began at an early age, salvaging tiny scraps from his mother's sewing area trash bin. He started creating on her sewing machine by age 10. After college, he began a 30-plus-year career in graphic design.

His first quilt design was in 1999, collaborating on a fundraiser project for Strings Music Festival in Steamboat Springs, CO, with friend Madeleine Vail. Madeleine encouraged him to keep after it. In 2009 he left his job at an advertising agency, started teaching appliqué and quilting, and never looked back. His teaching adventures have taken him around the globe and his quilted artworks hang in numerous private collections.

David Taylor is a two-time recipient of the Master Award for Contemporary Quilting from the International Quilt Association, the Brother Wall Machine Workmanship Award from the American Quilters Society  Paducah Quilt Week, and a two-time Best of Show winner at the IQA's Spring Festival in Chicago.

5 Day Class: July 21-25, 8:30am - 4pm, Animal Artistry through Appliqué

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