S1 QBL23
ONLINE: Image & Imagination with Rosalie Dace
5-Days Monday – Friday, July 17 – 21, 2023 Where do ideas hide, and how do we find and develop them without being totally overwhelmed? In this class, we deal with all those difficult questions that other people seem to find easy, such as “Where do you get your ideas, where do you begin, and…
Read MoreIndependent Studio SI
5-Days Monday- Friday, July 17-21, 2023 Join us for your choice of 5 days to concentrate on your own projects within the amazing community at QBL! Whether you are starting a new project, working on that long haul masterpiece, or putting on the finishing touches- QBL is a great place to come and be inspired.…
Read MoreMake Your Own Quilt Coat with Rachel D. K. Clark
5-Days Monday – Friday, July 17 – 21, 2023 In this workshop, students will create a coat to “speak” for them. Using a traditional or contemporary pattern, participants are encouraged to explore personal inspirations to create a one-of-a-kind garment. Their garment is designed to reflect their personality or ethnicity, create a mood, make social or…
Read MoreLayers Upon Layers with Carol Soderlund
5-Days Monday – Friday, July 17 – 21, 2023 THIS CLASS IS FULL! Call 315-255-1553 to be placed on a waitlist In Layers Upon Layers, we will use thickened Procion MX dyes and silk screens along with other media and resists to create one-of-a-kind, visually complex textures on cloth. Distressed surfaces are endlessly fascinating to…
Read MoreDancing with the Wall: Improv Quilting with Irene Roderick
5-Days Monday – Friday, July 17 – 21, 2023 THIS CLASS IS FULL CALL 315-255-1553 TO BE PLACED ON A WAITLIST! Improvisational quilting means letting go of all expectations and preconceptions of what you are going to make. Come spend five days with me and learn how to let your subconscious and creativity drive you to…
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