Quinn A. Hunter’s Artist Talk rescheduled to July 1

AUBURN, NY (June 22, 2022) – Quinn A. Hunter will give an Artist Talk about her exhibit “Here/Hear” at 5:30 p.m. July 1, 2022, at the Schweinfurth Art Center in Auburn, NY. The talk, originally slated for Auburn’s Juneteenth celebration, had to be rescheduled.
Hunter, a North Carolina native who currently lives in Detroit, is a sculptor and performance artist whose work focuses on the erasure of Black history. Her current exhibit at the Schweinfurth includes pieces from two of her recent series.
In “I Hear You Now, I See You Then,” she presents chandeliers and rugs she wove by hand out of hair, referencing antebellum plantations that ignore their slave-owning past. In “Paradise: The Myth of a Liberal North,” she examines the destruction of two Black neighborhoods in Detroit that were destroyed to build a highway.
Hunter’s talk is part of the Schweinfurth’s July First Friday programming. The Art Center will be open from 5 to 8 p.m. for free, and her talk is free as well. First Friday programming includes ukulele playing by Jen Parker, and the Schweinfurth is joining the Cayuga Museum of History & Art to sponsor a sidewalk chalk event for children.
“Here/Hear” is sponsored by New York State Council on the Arts, Nelson B. Delavan Foundation Part A, City of Auburn, Cayuga County Office of Tourism, and Bartolotta Furniture.
For more information, link to our website at https://schweinfurthartcenter.org/here-hear/