Transgressing Traditions: Contemporary Textiles by Surface Design Association
June 3 to Aug. 21, 2016

The Surface Design Association’s second international juried members’ exhibit is being held this summer at the Schweinfurth Art Center.
The goal of the exhibition is to showcase contemporary fiber art that expands on traditional media and meaning, pushing the boundaries and traditions of textiles and fibers. Exhibit jurors included Dorie Millerson, Karen Hampton and Donna Lamb.
The Artist Reception and Award Presentation was held on Friday, June 3. The following prizes were awarded that evening by the Surface Design Association:
Best in Show: Eszter Bornemisza, Budapest, Hungary; Next Page, 2014
Second Prize: Leslie Pearson, Fayetteville, NC; In Words Alone, 2014
Third Prize: Gerri Spilka, Philadelphia, PA; Interactions #22: Hinged, 2015
Honorable Mention: Gwen Lowery, Shaw Island, WA; Aurora Corona 1, 2015
Surface Design Association Award of Excellence: Alex Lockwood, Nashville, TN; Sixty Thousand, 2016
The exhibit features a total of 65 works by the following artists:
Liz Alpert Fay (Sandy Hook, CT)
Allison Barr (West Vancouver, BC)
Eszter Bornemisza (Budapest, Hungary)
Anita Bracalente (Bloomington, IN)
Yeonhee Cheong (Madison, WI)
Anna Chupa (Allentown, PA)
Judith Content (Palo Alto, CA)
Allison Cooke Brown (Yarmouth, ME)
Kristy Deetz (DePere, WI)
Maggie Dillon (Sarasota, FL)
Susan Doyle (San Geronimo, CA)
Emily Dvorin (Kentfield, CA)
Mary Elmusa (Leawood, KS)
Xia Gao (Okemos, MI)
Caren Garfen (United Kingdom)
Kristin Hoelscher-Schacker (Sunfish Lake, MN)
Christine Holtz (Saint Louis, MO)
Andrea Huffman (Sunrise, FL)
Marty Jonas (Benicia, CA)
Claire B. Jones (Seattle, WA)
Laura Kante (Little Elm, TX)
Kathleen Kastles (Wailuku HI)
Russ Little (College Park, MD)
Alex Lockwood (Nashville, TN)
Kathleen Loomis (Louisville, KY)
Gwen Lowery (Shaw Island, WA)
Heather Macali (Ferndale, MI)
Saberah Malik (Warwick, RI)
Natalie McLeod (Wellington, NZ)
Sheri McNerthney (Makawao, HI)
Amy Meissner (Anchorage, AK)
Erin Miller (Temperance, MI)
Bob Mosier (Conroe, TX)
Susan Moss (Durango, CO)
Chris Motley (San Francisco, CA)
Barbara Murak (Getzville, NY)
Elizabeth Odiorne (Scottsdale, AZ)
Leslie Pearson (Fayetteville, NC)
Marianne Penberthy (Geraldton, Australia)
Bonnie Peterson (Houghton, MI)
Howard Ptaszek (Brooklyn, NY)
Roz Ritter (Kensington, CA)
Michael Rohde (Westlake Village, CA)
Julie Rosvall (Wolfville, NS)
Georgia Rowswell (Cheyennne, WY)
Lou Roy (Rostrenen, France)
Deann Rubin (St. Louis, MO)
Zona Sage (Oakland, CA)
Beatriz Schaaf-Giesser (Winnenden, Germany)
Ellen Schiffman (Weston, CT)
Amy Schmierbach (Hays, KS)
Wonju Seo (Englewood Cliffs, NJ)
Sandy Shelenberger (Conneaut, OH)
Diane Siebels (Charlottesville, VA)
Adrienne Sloane (Watertown, MA)
Mary Ruth Smith (Waco, TX)
Gerri Spilka (Philadelphia, PA)
Jeanne Steiner (Colorado Springs, CO)
Katherine Sylvan (Kennewick, WA)
Ruth Tabancay (Berkeley, CA)
Mary Vaneecke (Tucson AZ)
Betty Vera (North Adams, MA)
Shea Wilkinson (Omaha, NE)
Saaraliisa Ylitalo (Washington DC)
Mary Zicafoose (Omaha, NE)