Schweinfurth to reopen to public Aug. 7, 2020

While Central New York has entered Phase 4 of the state’s reopening plan, the Schweinfurth Art Center will be reopening in early August. The art center is currently finishing installation of a new heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system.
The art center originally shut down in mid January for the construction, with plans to re-open in April. But the state-mandated shutdown due to COVID-19 placed the work on pause for two months until it restarted in May. Work is nearly complete and, once it is, the art center staff will begin cleaning and setting up the gallery and offices, preparing the facility to meet state guidelines, and installing our next exhibition, “Made in NY.”
Currently, the art center plans to open “Made in NY” on Friday, Aug. 7, 2020, although no opening reception will be held due to COVID-19 concerns. The art center is considering setting up a timed entry system for exhibits to limit the number of people in the facility at one time. Details and hours are still being worked out.
In the meantime, the center’s popular “Both Ends of the Rainbow” exhibition is still available for viewing online and Summer Art Camps have been moved to two-hour online classes. Parents can register their children for the camps online.
“We are looking forward to opening the art center with our ‘Made in NY’ exhibition,” said Executive Director Donna Lamb. “We plan to start with exhibitions, and slowly add classes and other events during the fall while still keeping visitors and staff safe from the Coronavirus.”