Schweinfurth announces Made in NY 2020 winners

The Schweinfurth Art Center is pleased to announce award winners in its annual “Made in NY” exhibition, currently on display at the Auburn art center through Sept. 26, 2020.
Exhibit jurors Dewitt Godfrey, professor of Art and Art History at Colgate University, and Jaroslava Prihodova, director of the Dowd Gallery at SUNY Cortland, selected the works for the show and picked the award winners. They reviewed 330 artworks submitted by 174 artists and selected 77 works for the exhibit.
This year’s winners are:
• Best of Show: Gary Sczerbaniewicz of Buffalo for “Neil Before Zod: Anteroom (For Karl Wolfe) Periscope”
• First Prize: Gary L. Wolfe of Kenmore for “01001011 01010100”
• Second Prize: Eunsuh Choi of Rochester for “Dreams III”
• Juror’s Choice: Lee Hoag of Rochester for “Late Shift”
• Juror’s Choice: William Keyser of Victor for “Half Pigeon-Blue”
The exhibit is on display at the Schweinfurth Art Center, 205 Genesee St., Auburn, through Sept. 26. The art center is open 10-11 a.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays for members with a reservation, and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays for everyone. To make a reservation, call the art center at 315.255.1553 during business hours.
Admission is free for members and $7 per person for nonmembers. Masks are required and gallery capacity is limited to 20 people. Visitors are asked to review COVID-19 protocols and purchase their tickets online.