Quilts=Art=Quilts 2016
Oct. 29, 2016, to Jan. 8, 2017
Quilts=Art=Quilts is an annual international juried quilt exhibition featuring quilts from across the US and around the world. This year’s exhibit jurors, Terry Jarrard-Dimond, Valerie Goodwin and Judy Kirpich, chose 65 quilts out of 298 submissions.
Prize juror Lasse Antonsen selected this year’s awards:
Best in Show: Jill Kerttula, Urban Voyeur #2: As seen from the parking ramp
First Prize: Judy Langille, Ancient Composite
Second Prize: Margaret Abramshe, Stranger in a Strange Land
Third Prize: Aryana Londir, Interference
The Catherine Hastedt Award for Worksmanship: Bobbe Nolan, Turmeric and Wine
Award for Surface Design: Betty Busby, Pollen
Schweinfurth Award for Design Excellence: Niraja Lorenz, Strange Attractor #2 The Light Returns
Juror’s Choice Award: Emily Richardson, Piano Music
Juror’s Choice Award: Elizabeth Busch, Old Stories
Juror’s Choice Award: Paula Kovarik, Incoming
Honorable Mention Award: Jette Clover
Regular gallery hours will begin on Sunday, October 30 (Tues-Sat, 10-5pm and Sunday, 1-5pm). Admission is $10 and includes both QAQ and The American Quilts exhibit. Members and children under 12 free. Groups of 15 or more $8 each.
We are pleased to announce the following participating artists:
Margaret Abramshe (Mesquite, NV)
Liz Axford (Clinton, WA)
Deb Berkebile (Conneaut, OH)
Elizabeth Brandt (Holland, MI)
Marianne Burr (Coupeville, WA)
Betty Busby (Albuquerque, NM)
Elizabeth Busch (Glenburn, ME)
Erika Carter (Renton, WA)
Blake Chamberlain (Lynnwood, WA)
Shin-hee Chin (McPherson, KS)
Sandra Palmer Ciolino (Cincinnati, OH)
Jette Clover (Antwerp, Belgium)
Suzan Engler (Panorama, TX)
Lisa Flowers Ross (Boise, ID)
Kathy Ford (Worthington, MA)
Sylvia Gegaregian (Portola Valley, CA)
Helen Geglio South Bend, IN)
Julia Graziano (Manlius, NY)
Anne Hammond (Silver Spring, MD)
Jean Herman (Denver, CO)
Rosemary Hoffenberg (Wrentham, MA)
Cathy Jack Coupland (Sydney, Australia)
Patricia Kennedy-Zafred (Murrysville, PA)
Jill Kerttula (Charlottesville, VA)
Paula Kovarik (Memphis, TN)
Liz Kuny (Morristown, NJ)
Paulette Landers (Rainier, OR)
Judy Langille (Kendall Park, NJ)
Michele Lasker (Tulsa, OK)
Aryana Londir (Phoenix, AZ)
Niraja Lorenz (Eugene, OR)
Jenny Lyon (Granite Bay, CA)
Valerie Maser-Flanagan (Carlisle, MA)
Diane Melms (Anchorage, AK)
Kathy Nida (El Cajon, CA)
Bobbe Nolan (Eagle Lake, TX)
Julia Pfaff (Richmond, VA)
Heather Pregger (Fort Worth, TX)
Susan Purney Mark (Victoria, BC)
Emily Richardson (Philadelphia, PA)
Denise Roberts (Albright, WV)
Karen Schulz (Silver Spring, MD)
Maria Shell (Anchorage, AK)
Gerri Spilka (Philadelphia, PA)
Lee Sproull (Leeds, MA)
Janet Steadman (Langley, WA)
Kim Svoboda (New York, NY)
Carol Ann Waugh (Denver, CO)
Ruth White (Ithaca, NY)
Shea Wilkinson (Omaha, NE)
Hope Wilmarth (Spring, TX)