Expanded Vision
February 10 to March 9; March 23 to April 27; and May 15 to May 26, 2024

Expanded Vision: Two Centuries of Paintings from the Cayuga Museum Collection will use the Cayuga Museum’s painting collection to trace the history of the institution through the 87 years leading to the creation of the West End Arts Campus. The organizations are hosting an opening reception 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024, at the Schweinfurth. Admission to the Art Center will be free until March 23rd for this exhibition.
The Cayuga Museum of History & Art and the Schweinfurth Art Center are working together to create the West End Arts Campus. Both institutions will be in the construction process during parts of 2024. This exhibit will be on display while the Cayuga Museum is closed for construction. Click here for more information on the Schweinfurth’s part of the project.