The Layered Surface: Fusions, Transparency, and Photos

Aug 30, 2024 9:00AM—Sep 01, 2024 4:00PM


3-Day Workshop with Ellen Blalock

Let’s share our stories in cloth! This class explores techniques of sharing ones’ stories through fiber art. Fiber artworks can include words, photos, appliqué, and also other items for decorative purposes or it’s significance to the story. We will explore several methods of using photographs and layering shears fabrics and non-woven materials. We will experiment with drawing, painting, and stitching on images infused into cloth and learn how to incorporate it into our fiber pieces. Everyone can send two photos to be transferred to fabric. The photos should include a subject of your stories. People can bring more to class. Have two stories/narratives to choose from. The stories can be sad, scary, informative, funny or/and clever. The story can even be presented in the form of a parable or riddle.

$40 supply fee to be paid to teacher.

Click here for supply list

Non-members $480 / Members $470

About the teacher:

Ellen M. Blalock

I love quilts! I have been quilting for over 20 years. I use quilts to tell stories about my family and community. Although I work in several mediums: photography, video, drawing, and fiber, making quilts have a special meaning for me. I believe that every stitch and quilt I make honors my ancestors, the many women in my family who made quilts — I am replacing what has been lost and stolen.

Recently I was the Schweinfurth Art Center first artist-in-resident which was supported by Creatives Rebuild New York, The Andrew Mellon Foundation. My art quilts have been exhibited in several solo and group exhibitions, including: Gibbs Museum, Charleston, SC; Bundy Museum, Binghamton, NY; Schweinfurth Art Center, Auburn, NY; Natural History Museum, Los Angeles, CA; The African American Museum, and Colored Girls Museum, Philadelphia, PA; and Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY. I have received several awards, grants, fellowships, commissions, and residencies

Originally from Philadelphia, PA, I now live in Upstate, NY. I have a B.F.A. from Temple University and M.F.A. from Syracuse University. I lecture on art/quilting, race, and social issues. I have taught art history and studio arts at Syracuse University, Georgia Southern University, Georgia College & State University, and SUNY Oswego.